I LOVE reading things from the prophets. This was given in an address in 1966. That was seriously a long time ago and is so applicable to today's argument on the economy from our current President Barrack Obama. He stated over and over in the Presidential Debates that the wealthy needed and would be asked to give more under his direction. Well, America, you have spoken and look what we will get for it. A loss of freedom on all sides. Although, to some it may not seem like a loss of freedom at all, but God has never condoned getting 'something for nothing.'
As Clint and I had scripture study with the kids tonight we were talking about how the world is becoming more wicked, like the great and spacious building. Evil is being accepted as good on so many fronts and it is more important than ever to hold up our 'title of liberty' for others to see so that we may hold strong to that which we know is right and true, regardless of what others say or do. In my opinion, after this election, I would not be surprised to never see another republican President elected. The world is becoming more polarized and so much of what we stand for is offensive to a liberal agenda. We don't believe in abortion, gay marriage, handouts, or taking from the rich and giving to the poor. We do believe in God, that marriage is between a man and a woman, that it is important to be honest at all times, that we need to work for a living and teach our children to work, and that we are here to have children and that they need a mom and a dad and a family that loves them. The division between these two ideologies is widening and, I believe, will continue to do so. This election has shown where a majority of Americans lie. I would not be surprised to see Hillary Clinton run for President in 4 more years and win. Why not? We now have our first black President. I am sure America would be all too excited to vote next for the first female President. Never mind if we don't believe in what she espouses. We could then say we were not racist or chauvinistic.
As Clint and I had scripture study with the kids tonight we were talking about how the world is becoming more wicked, like the great and spacious building. Evil is being accepted as good on so many fronts and it is more important than ever to hold up our 'title of liberty' for others to see so that we may hold strong to that which we know is right and true, regardless of what others say or do. In my opinion, after this election, I would not be surprised to never see another republican President elected. The world is becoming more polarized and so much of what we stand for is offensive to a liberal agenda. We don't believe in abortion, gay marriage, handouts, or taking from the rich and giving to the poor. We do believe in God, that marriage is between a man and a woman, that it is important to be honest at all times, that we need to work for a living and teach our children to work, and that we are here to have children and that they need a mom and a dad and a family that loves them. The division between these two ideologies is widening and, I believe, will continue to do so. This election has shown where a majority of Americans lie. I would not be surprised to see Hillary Clinton run for President in 4 more years and win. Why not? We now have our first black President. I am sure America would be all too excited to vote next for the first female President. Never mind if we don't believe in what she espouses. We could then say we were not racist or chauvinistic.